About EFT

Emotional Freedom Techniques is a self-applied acupressure method combined with guided statements that connects the mind, heart, body and spirit in a conscious release of the unseen blocking or binding forces called stuck energies resulting from any trauma, negative imbalance or dysfunction. Once stuck energy is released acute conditions are often cleared instantaneously, and long-term patterns once firmly entrenched are easily corrected. This gentle yet effective technique has been proven effective often where nothing else has worked, on everything from physical pain to relationship dysfunctions.

Through my journey of tapping I have found that we are all dealing with basically the same core issues. It doesn’t really matter what the specifics of a particular person’s story are, whether it manifests emotionally or physically.

I’ve come to see how important it is as a human being to become aware of and heal my own conditioning as it expresses in my life. I believe healing that which is troubling us on the inside is the an effective way to real and meaningful healing on the outside, whether with the environment, social issues, or world peace.  EFT is a powerful healing tool which can cut to the core of our issues and aid us in the deep understanding that love is what we need.


EFT Tapping Points Diagram

EFT Tapping Points Diagram


Say your words